An Effective Education

The number-one predictor of whether you will be successful in life is whether you graduate from high school. In today’s competitive global economy, effective education is more important than ever before.

Yet more than 25% of our students do not finish high school. The figure is nearly twice as high for African American and Latino students.

According to Every Child, Every Promise:

Only 39% of our teens are receiving this Promise
More than 40% of parents of younger children and two-thirds of adolescents say their children’s schools do not emphasize academic achievement
60% of 10- to 21-year-olds say their schools should give them more preparation for the real world .

Marketable skills enable young people to prepare for employment in the 21st Century. Young people must master basic academic and analytical skills, learn workplace etiquette, and know how to use technology, such as computers and the Internet. America’s Promise partners help youth develop these essential career skills.

Employers increasingly need workers who can think, learn new skills rapidly, work in teams, and solve problems creatively. Yet too few youth, whether college bound or not, have these qualities. In many cases, even basic work skills are lacking.

Making a successful transition from school to work is a critical milestone in the youth development journey. Yet significant shifts in both the workplace and the skills workers need today make it increasingly more difficult for young people to make this transition successfully.

There are many important qualities, skills and competencies that young people need to be successful and productive workers. Among these are:

A foundation in basic skills, such as reading, writing, mathematics, science, technology and communication.
Thinking skills, such as creativity, decision-making, problem-solving and reasoning.
Personal attitudes and qualities, such as integrity, responsibility and self-motivation.
Particular supports are needed to enhance skills and readiness for work. These include school reform efforts (to ensure that students are engaged in relevant, challenging and interesting learning), and education about economics and business, internships, work-study, vocational and career counseling, and on-the-job experience that exposes students to career opportunities and job skills. Such efforts prepare young people to be valuable workers throughout their lives.

“As a business leader, I know firsthand that the workforce of tomorrow must be equipped with the right tools for success. That’s why marketable skills gained through effective education, one of the core principals of America’s Promise, has meant so much to me.”
Roy Ryu—CEO of Poongsan Corporation and PMX Industries
America’s Promise Board Member